Carol Douglas Lyles
Founder and Editor-in Chief, HimPower Magazine
The HimPower story is about the unfathomable love of Christ in relentless pursuit of the rebellious and unbelieving, seeking our hearts and minds. It is about His immeasurable capacity to forgive, rebuild, and restore whatever is broken in us. It is about His desire to save us from ourselves and the sinful nature that lies within. It is about His willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice to save our souls and to suffer the unimaginable so we can be healed of all manner of sickness and disease. It is about His desire to provide more for us than we could possibly ask or think and help us to grow stronger in the knowledge of who He is. It is about our obedience, our service and our testimonies to His goodness. Most of all, it is about the glory He receives when we are willing to surrender our lives, becoming totally dependent on Him and demonstrating our faith by trusting Him to see us through every challenge we face.
Who We Are
We are the formerly lost and spiritually blind, unbelieving, rebellious and disobedient creations of God, who have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ and are led by the Holy Spirit. We profess our love for the things of God and gladly accept the call to serve Him. We each do our part to further the cause of Christ with the gifts and talents He has chosen for us, and operate through His power at work in us. (Ephesians 3:20)
Why We Serve
“Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you: A prophet to the nations—that’s what I had in mind for you.” But I said, “Hold it, Master God! Look at me. I don’t know anything. I’m only a boy!” God told me, “Don’t say, ‘I’m only a boy.’ I’ll tell you where to go and you’ll go there. I’ll tell you what to say and you’ll say it. Don’t be afraid of a soul. I’ll be right there, looking after you.” God reached out, touched my mouth, and said, “Look! I’ve just put my words in your mouth—hand-delivered! See what I’ve done? I’ve given you a job to do.” Jeremiah 1:5-9 MSG
The prophet, Jeremiah, was an unwilling participant in the plan God had for his life. He lacked both the experience and confidence to do the job he was called to do. God chose him anyway, and then encouraged him with His unfailing promises to equip him and never leave or forsake him. (Jeremiah 29:11-13)
He makes that same promise to you. Every believer who has been called out for the service of God experiences a similar encounter with Him. When you lack the faith to believe, know you are unworthy and recognize you are ill-prepared because all of your life you’ve placed your agenda ahead of His, God looks on your heart and reaches out to you anyway in love and forgiveness for your transgressions. He also equips you with everything you need to accomplish His plan for your life.
This is what happened to Carol Douglas Lyles. She had been going about life, doing things her own way– stressed out, worn out and exasperated because her way simply wasn’t working. So, she worked harder trying to succeed the way the world dictates. Yet, the harder she tried, the more overwhelmed and trapped she felt in a vicious cycle. Experiencing a perpetual emptiness inside, she prayed and asked God repeatedly what He wanted her to do. Impatient when the answer hadn’t come, she proceeded with the things she thought would please Him and fit into her busy schedule. One day, unexpectedly, she received His answer. Only, it wasn’t what she expected or wanted and she objected vehemently with all the reasons why she couldn’t do what she was being instructed to do. And just as Jeremiah had been admonished when his service was summoned, so was she. For every objection she raised, there was an immediate and equally forceful response. It would not become clear to her until much later that everything, which had occurred in her life—from a keen interest in verbal and written communication that began during her formative years to overcoming pain endured from problematic health issues in later years to the unrelenting sense of loss felt after the death of her brother—everything both good and bad had been preparing her all along for the plan God had for her life. The culmination of events on her journey ignited a passion to help others by providing information, inspiration and resources to live more prosperously in mind, body and spirit.
The HimPower story is her story and your story, as well as Jeremiah’s. We each travel a different path unique to our journey and is part of God’s plan. Our journeys began at birth, with missteps along the way. Each journey is peppered with mountains to climb and wildernesses to traverse and isn’t exempt pain or sorrow. Yet, each is also filled with joy and victory that can only be found in a personal relationship with Christ.
The HimPower Name
The HimPower name and spelling were divinely-inspired to be capitalized and combined into one embodying the three Persons of the Godhead: The Father, our Creator; the Son, our Savior and the Holy Spirit, our Comforter and Keeper. Even the logo design was given by inspiration to anchor Him and Power with a cross symbolizing the sacrifice Christ made for us. The cross in HimPower is a reminder that Christ should be at the center of everything in our lives; that our journey is not about us or what we can do in our own strength lest we be tempted to boast. Rather, the name HimPower confirms the power of Christ at work in believers, calling us to be a part of His marvelous light that transcends time and the limitations of human strength. The name HimPower is a reminder to all who will believe, you can live a more prosperous and healthier life when you allow Christ to do HIM and work His POWER in you.
HimPower Magazine
HimPower Magazine is a faith-based Christian magazine written to inspire, encourage and motivate more prosperous living, healthier lifestyles and spiritual growth. This God-inspired magazine is made possible by dedicated professionals who share their knowledge and experience to support the mission of HimPower Magazine. Our HimPower Team is currently on sabbatical and look forward to returning with more inspiration. Sign up for future emails to receive updates on what’s new at HimPower Magazine. Thank you for your interest, your information will be kept confidential and you will not receive spam.
The HimPower Newsletter
The HimPower Newsletter provides a snapshot of what’s happening at himpowermagazine.com and reminds you to check out what’s new to inspire you. Our HimPower Team is currently on sabbatical and look forward to returning with more inspiration. Sign up for future emails to receive updates on what’s new at HimPower Magazine. Thank you for your interest, your information will be kept confidential.
HimPower Community
The HimPower Community is a fellowship of believers (also referred to as the HimPower Family) who seek to learn what is beneficial to know to live as God intended. We choose to stay informed and inspired to live as God’s Holy Word tells us we can. It is our declaration we will not be counted among those who perish for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6) because we actively seek to learn His way. Further, we choose to live prosperously, in health and grow spiritually as God’s Holy Word tells us (3 John 2). We trust He has a plan for our lives that will be fulfilled when we sincerely pray and seek Him (Jeremiah 29:11-13) and that He will do much more than we can ask or imagine according to the power that works in us (Ephesians 3:20).
Carol Douglas Lyles, Founder and Editor-in-Chief
Carol Douglas Lyles is a staunch believer in the importance of the Word of God and Spirit of God to make informed decisions about living your best life. Through HimPower Magazine, God has established a platform to carry out her assignment of sharing information and resources to encourage abundant living, healthier lifestyles and spiritual growth to all who believe in the Power that is in Him. As Founder, she has been entrusted with stewarding the messaging of HimPower Magazine to maintain alignment with the Will of God through the Word of God and inspiration from the Holy Spirit.
“If all you apply to your life is what the world presents to you, there is a lot you will miss that’s important for you to know. This is the mistake I made years ago when I suffered from health issues accelerated by living out of alignment with God’s will. And if you rely solely on a search engine for awareness, you will still come up short. Much of the information you will find on the Internet is informative, yet most of it is void of godly wisdom. The only way to ensure you gain the knowledge needed to live the abundant life God has planned for you is through HIM.” Carol Douglas Lyles